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Terms of use
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Terms of use

The following terms of use are made from the owner of the website and they define the relationship between visitors/users/subscribers and the webpage («website»). The users are requested to read the terms of use carefully and if there is any disagreement with any term there should not be use of the «website». The usage entails the acceptance of those terms. The «website» maintains the right to change the terms of use and the personal data at any time and without any warning. For that reason it is asked from users to read the terms of use before every visit of the «website».
Terms of use
The content of the «website» can not be copied, reproduced, distributed and republished in any form without the previous consent of the owner of the «website». It is only allowed the printing or the electronic storage of the content of the «website» for personal use but it is forbidden in any way the use for commercial purposes. The visitors/users/subscribers who want to subscribe to the «website» should:
&bull Declare legit and full personal data to the analog page of the «website» and to the subscription form in order to access the website services.
&bull Understand and acknowledge that after their subscription to the «website» the analog subscription cost whichever way it&rsquos paid (credit card, bank deposit or PayPal) there are no refunds or claims of that cost. The visitors/users/subscribers also accept the issue of a receipt for the «website» services that were paid and of course the responsibility of submitting their personal data or their company&rsquos data (which they represent by law) for the above issue of the receipt. 
&bull Always care to inform the website for every change it may occur to the data they submitted in order for them to be always up to date, accurate and full.
Postponement/Suspension of services
The «website» maintains the exclusive right, which the visitors/users/subscribers accept, to deactivate the website, permanently or temporarily, with or without warning in order to solve technical matters. The «website» also maintains the right to stop/pause the provision of services when there are overdue financial obligation.
Code of conduct for the users/visitors/subscribers
The visitors/users/subscribers understand and accept that the usage of the «website» services may expose them to content that it is insulting, improper or illegal. In case the «website» receives warning that any content causes real damage or moral harm to a third person, maintains the right to immediately delete that content and at the same time suspend the account of the user/visitor/subscriber, who breaches these terms. The visitors/users/subscribers agree not to use the «website» services for:
&bull Posting, sending, submitting, transfer or usage of another method for install of content which is illegal, harmfull, threatening, insulting, damaging, slanderous, vulgar, violent, abusive, racist or else disaproving, violates personalities and personal data of others, causing feelings of hate or any other penal crime.
&bull Cause of damage to underage persons in any way.
&bull Identity fraud of any legal or private person. Or false statement for the identity of the visitors/users/subscribers or deceiving statement about the relationship or/and cooperation between the visitors/users/subscribers and another legal or private person.
&bull Posting, sending, submitting, transfer or usage of another method for install of content from persons who don&rsquot have the right to distribute that content by law or by confidential relationship.
&bull Posting, sending, submitting, transfer or usage of another method for install of software or content of any kind (text, image, sound, video, animation) that breaches any right of intellectual property of any carrier (including commercial secrets).
&bull Posting, sending, submitting, transfer or usage of another method for install of authorized advertisement or any other content of product placement, sending junk mail or spam from the recipient of e-mails and any other form of unwanted content forwarding.
&bull Posting, sending, submitting, transfer or usage of another method for install or/and promotion or/and distribution of content that has software virus or any other computer code, files or programs that are designed to interject, ruin or limit the function of any computer software or harware.
&bull Violation, with or without intent, of any applied rule of local, national, European, international Law or/and any rule that abides by the law and concerns or/and covers any website service.
&bull Insult in any way the private life and the personal and social rights of other users/visitors/subscribers (like the collection or/and storage of personal data of other users/visitors/subscribers).
The users/visitors/subscribers of the «website» understand and accept that the «website» does preliminary inspection of content and also that the website and the authorized users of the «website» maintain the right (not the obligation), exclusively by their discretion to deny any post, registration, transfer or delete of any content that is provided through the «website» services. Also, the «website» and the authorized users of the «website» maintain the right to delete any content any content that breaches the present terms of use. users/visitors/subscribers understand and accept the international nature of the Internet and commit to respect and comply to the rules of conduct of every nation. Specifically, the users/visitors/subscribers commit to comply by the law about the transfer of data from Greece and Europe to third countries.
Liability confinement
The «website» is not in any way responsible for:
&bull Dysfunctions that have to do with the software of the user or mistakes and suspension of web connection of any other case lies beyond the website&rsquos area of control and authority.
&bull Loss of password or username of account either by damage, short circuit, error or loss of electricity which in any case are caused by the computer system of the users/visitors/subscribers.
&bull Impacts that may arise by or with relation of use or attempt of use of automatic programs in order to get illegal access to the website system.
&bull Any loss or damage from viruses or other technological harmful material that may affect the electronic equipment, the programs of the computer, data or other material that belongs to the users/visitors/subscribers by the time of the website usage or the downloading of it&rsquos content or any content from pages connected with the website.
Links to other websites
The present «website» contains links to other websites which exist to convenient the users, for example getting more information. These websites are not promoted commercially from the «website» and for that reason the «website» has no responsibility for the accuracy of their content. The «website» does not guarantee that her or the other websites that are connected with her are free of viruses or other damaging software. Therefore the «website» is not responsible for the protection and confidentiality of every information that is provided from the users/visitors/subscribers during their visit to these websites, considering that those websites do not comply with the terms of use of the «website».
The «website» has no responsibility for the ongoing, continual and safe access of the users/visitors/subscribers to these other websites. Thus in case any problem may arise during the visit to these websites the users/visitors/subscribers have to address directly to these websites for the solving of their technical issue. The «website» contains material that has been submitted from third parties but has no responsibility for content coming from irregularities, oversights, mistakes and inaccuracies from those third parties. The information of these websites can be updated at any time and often may not be true. The «website» has no responsibility for the briefing, updating and validness of the information that are in these websites. In case that anyone of the users/visitors/subscribers has financial or commercial transaction with third party that transaction has to be in accordance with the terms of use of the third party and not the terms of use of the «website». The «website» has no responsibility for the procedure or the result of this final transaction.
Content that is submitted to the website
By submitting any material to the «website» the users/visitors/subscribers gives automatically the right and the permission to the website to promote, publish, translate, reproduce that content or part of it in any pace of the world with any kind of technology. At the same time the users/visitors/subscribers recognize that the «website» has no obligation to promote or publish the content that is submitted.
Exclusion of responsibility
The information that are included to «website»&rsquos content (including the websites of realtors , the pictures of properties, the personal or other data of companies or private users which advertise websites and services or submit listings for rent or sale of properties) are only for informative reasons. The content of the «website» is not consulting materials and the users/visitors/subscribers are not supposed to rely on it for any decision or action making. The «website» gives no guarantee for the accuracy, the reliability or the properness of cause of any content that is included in it or for the reliability of entering it. In any case the «website» does not accept any responsibility about damages or losses that come from the usage or the no availability of usage of the website. The content of the «website» that is provided from third parties (realtors, private users) can not be certified by the «website» or be guaranteed about it&rsquos accuracy or validity. Under no circumstance the «website» bears no responsibility about the accuracy of property descriptions or the financial damage that may occur from any transaction in the real estate market. Οι ιστοσελίδες που περιέχονται στην «ιστοσελίδα» μπορεί επίσης τεχνικά ή τυπογραφικά.
The «website» provide to the users/visitors/subscribers the capability to buy services through applications of e-commerce always abiding by the specials terms it demands and always caring about the protection of the personal data which are subjected to and by their use.
In the cases of e-commerce application between the users/subscribers and the «website», the «website» has the obligation to comply with the decision-law Ζ1-496/2000 for sales from distance and the law ordinance 2251/1994 for the Protection of Consumers.
Therefore, the «website» is obliged to inform the potential clients about: a) the essential characteristics of the services it provides, b) the price, c) the quantity, d) VAT when it&rsquos not included in the price, e) the payment method, f) the way of execution and completion of the provided service, g) the time frame of effect of the offer or the price and h) the right to withdraw.
The access to the pages/services of the «website» does not mean any more cost beyond the effective price status for the general access to the Internet as it has been set by the responsible internet provider (ISP's) and it is paid to him and him only.
Jurisdiction - Authority
The terms of use, any change of them and also any matter that may come out from them or their change in the future, are defined by the Greek Law, the European Law and the relative International Treaties. For any judicial differences that may arise from the services and the general use/visit to the «website» the responsible authorities are exclusively the Courts of Athens and that is a fact accepted by all the users/visitors/subscribers of the «website».
Intellectual Property
The content and the right of use or loss of content of the webpage constitute intellectual property of the owner of the webpage. The owner of the webpage controls the content and the function of the webpage from his headquarters in Athens (Greece).
The present terms of use constitute the total agreement/contract between the webpage and every user/visitor/subscriber (realtors, private user etc.)
If there is any question of definition for anything in relation with the above, please contact us via email to our adress:
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